Thursday, March 10, 2005

The similiarities and differences about three websites

●The similiarities:

  1. Having search engines and limited by some categories, such as web and news.
  2. Lycos and Escite are search engines and directory and they have classified information into many categories, just like yahoo.

●The differences:

  1. Ixquick is only for searching, and you can use what languages that you prefer to.
  2. Lycos and Escite are for searching and you just need to click which category that you want to get information

●The keyword Internet English:

If you type Internet English in the search enging box, you will get more websites and information that the search enging provies to you. Otherwise, if you type "Internet English" in the search enging box, and then, you will get less websites and information than typing Internet English in the search engine box.