Thursday, April 07, 2005

Hands-on Practice

Activities for ESL Students
This website provides many subcatagories, such as grammar, vocabulary, crossword, biligual, Java sript and so forth. Also, it offers a lot of quizzes, test, exercise and puzzles to help ESL studtents to learn English. After I try some activities about grammar, vocabulary, crossword and bilingual, I find out that I mix and feel confused with prepositions. Moreover, I realize to build up and memory more and more vocabulary is quite important, too. When I play the game of crossword and biligual quiz, I discover that learning more vocabulary is very helpful to analyse and fill in the blank. It also provide the sentence as a hint to the column. If I type the wrong word on the screen and make mistakes, it provide multiple-choice question. I am very impressed by multiple-choice question. I always try every answers to answer each question, and there is a dialogue box tell me that I type the worng answer, the correct answer is somethingelse. I think it's quite friendly, if you don't hesitate to hit the options button.

Advanced English Lesson
On the left hand side of this website, I could find lots of subcatagories - vocabulary, weekly lesson, grammar book, games, student forums and so on. I've tried conditionals and vocabulary. In conditionals, there are many exercises and it provides "Present", "Past", and "Future", and let students know how to use the verbs correctly. After fill-in all the blanks, I can press the botton "check" to check the answers. When I don't know the answer to the column, I could press the botton "hint" to give some letters of the word. In vocabulary, it provides English definition of each word. Then, scrolling down the webpage, there are two activities just similar to the exercises in conditional. In student forums, it provides a databased-forum. Everyone could post your own question on it. It's a common knowledge when I have problems about the website or other things, I could use "Contact Us" to send an email to the webmaster. But, there is another way to do it that is post my question on the studtent forums. I think there are many people who will be willing to give the answer.

Although I recognize that English grammar is one of shortages for (to) me, I still keep on correcting my mistakes. I am still learning. Knowing the right usage of the words is quite important for ESL students, especially for us. We need to try, just keep doing one thing "try"!